A few engagement photos with Rachel Pidgeon and Daniel Turner, and of course Cosmo! It was pretty cold and windy, so I kept it fairly short maybe 45 minutes. Done with an 85mm and a 40mm lens. Normally I use a 135 and a 50, but wanted to try this combination as it is lighter. The optics are great on all of them. The 135 is about twice the size of the 85, and the 50 is about 3 times the size as the 40. Normally I like a big heavy lens, but was trying to perfect a 2 camera setup on my tripod, so the camera with 85 went on top, and the camera with the diminutive 40mm went into a tripod bag in between the legs, tethered to the tripod. So I just pick up the tripod and both cams go with me. I NEVER USE STRAPS-too confining. I would call it a success, but missed the 135 and its insane optics, so will just put up with the added weight. But the tiny 40 is a keeper. It is the size of tangerine, but very sharp.

Winter wonderland with dog