Let’s Get to Know Each Other
Hi, I’m Geoff!
I SEE things happen before they do! In the MINDS-EYE so to speak. After 2 decades of weddings, I have seen it ALL! I have been to so MANY amazing wedding venues across our lovely state of Vermont! Dirt roads, fields, barns, mountain tops, lake fronts, boats, and many more!
I would love to hear about your plans! Things like how you meet, the proposal, how you selected your venue, color palettes, wedding size, everything! Please share any details that you have! Have a wonderful day and best wishes planning your wedding!

I Love Sunny Days
Give me a camera with the right lens, and my special technique, and I can produce magic! My technique takes harsh blinding sunlight and transforms it into lovely dramatic light. It takes no extra equipment, just knowledge. Using the sun as a backlight, I produce photos that glow and sparkle. I have a simple trick, a secret weapon so to speak. Tried and true and perfect every time!
I’ve Done 500+ Weddings
I never had a “REAL JOB”!
After college, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Photography guiding me forward, I jumped right in! I have done over 500 weddings and thousands of portraits. I have over 450 reviews online, with a 4.9 average! ! I have seen it all, and done it all. No weekend warrior here!

Our House and Studio
My wife Wendy and I live in a 1797 house listed on the historic registry! Located on Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, our house used to be on the stagecoach route, and is rumored to have hosted dances 200 hundred years ago. The studio is in our massive barn which dates from the 1860s. Wendy’s gardens are everywhere, a perfect setting for afternoon tea, or a sunset cocktail and barbecue!
Rescue Dog
My wife Wendy and I have an absolutely lovely 17 year beagle named MaMa. She was rescued from the state of Georgia, and had been shot in her front leg. So our little tripod is still super feisty, very mobile and has betters senses then I do! No dropped piece of kibble is safe! She has her own Facebook page and lots of friends!

Wedding Kit
My current wedding kit is 4 Nikon DSLRs, each with its own lens. This allows me many different looks and abilities, without ever changing lenses. This keeps me fast, agile, and ready for anything. Most of the day I am simply using one camera, but the rest are all close. The best part is they all fit in one bag, as I tend to use small prime lenses. It is absolutely fabulous to have the perfect tool always ready to go. Speed is my jam!
I have been playing soccer since grade school. Typically left halfback or left wing. Local schools include CVU in High School, plus Lyndon and Saint Michael’s colleges. After that many years of league play and now mostly pick up games. I love Leg Day at the gym! I do sled workouts, tire jumps and do squats standing on a stability ball. Perfect training for weddings! Wendy calls me a trained bear?

Real Vermonters
Wendy and I are real Vermonters. We were both born in Burlington. We both have family camps on the Lake Champlain. Her family camp “Charlie’s Boathouse” in Burlington has been a local fishing and boating institution since the 1920s. My family camp is on Thompson’s Point in Charlotte, and dates back to the 1940s. We both grew up spending summers on the lake shore, with lots of relatives nearby! Fond memories of riding bikes, swimming in Lake Champlain, walking barefoot on dirt roads, and watching amazing sunsets!
Dark Beer
My wife and I love dark beer. Yes true snobs, we covet Porters and Stouts! Especially barrel aged varieties. To us a light beer is Shed Mountain Ale! But good dark beer is hard to find in many establishments in VT, so often when we go out I get a Manhattan, and Wendy gets a Gin Gimlet. Sipped slowly of course!

Live Music
We are always searching for fun music to dance to! Mostly jam bands, blues and reggae. Also, afro-beat, good old rock and roll, and even gospel if the mood is right! But really almost any live concert will do. We mostly go Nectars, Higher Ground and Zenbarn. Hopefully they have some dark beer!
I have been playing since I was a kid. My current group plays every Tuesday night when our schedules align. I am the forever DM. There is nothing better then getting together with friends and spending a few hours doing something we love. My friends Cathy and Gigi have been playing with me over 20 years, and Josh for about 10 years!

Associate Photographers
I also have a handful of Associate Photographers working for me. Portfolios are available for JL, Katie, Colin, Katya, Danielle, Jessica and Zach. Associate prices receive a discount on album packages! Ask for details.